Dewey's Revenge was a one-night-only group show featuring works by Max Anderson, Lulou Margarine, Umico Niwa, and Tessa Paul.
The artwork was installed on the first-level of 2518 Guilford Avenue, a Charles Village rowhome that Matt and Korey were subletting
for the month of July 2019, while in-between their leases.
Umico Niwa
Umico Niwa, Baby Roma, tomato, green peas, bluebells, branch, copper, silver
Umico Niwa, Baby Roma, tomato, green peas, bluebells, branch, copper, silver
Umico Niwa
Umico Niwa
Umico Niwa
Umico Niwa

Umico Niwa
Umico Niwa
Tessa Paul, A Composite View, raspberry pi, two-way mirror, frame, tv mount
Tessa Paul, A Composite View
reflected: Max Anderson, Freak Room: Ruins
Tessa Paul
Tessa Paul
Tessa Paul
Max Anderson, Freak Room: Ruins, computer animation

Max Anderson, Freak Room: Ruins, computer animation
Max Anderson, Freak Room: Ruins, computer animation
Lulou Margarine Peaceful Protest (Decorations), cinnamon
Lulou Margarine Peaceful Protest (Decorations), cinnamon
Lulou Margarine Peaceful Protest (Decorations), cinnamon

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