Watch This Bumper Crumple was a nomadic group show installed in a 2001 Honda CR-V for one month, from April 27, 2019 to May 27, 2019. Below are installation shots from the opening night that took place at Round Falls in Baltimore, MD.
Matt DeLong Wiley Guillot Nikki Lee Korey Rosenbaum Will Schorre Joe W. Speier |
Jenna Staffieri Amy Stober Michelle Uckotter Nick Verstraeten Lucas Yasunaga Julia Yerger |

Nikki Lee, Garment bag glanced in the rear view mirror, Clothes hanger, thread, wire, various fabrics, beads, two monster high doll casts and collected apparitions, collected lyrics and writing on shoelaces

Nikki Lee, detail of Garment bag glanced in the rear view mirror

Lucas Yasunaga, Electronic Entomology Car Show Edition, Logic chip, solar cell, piezo, resistor, capacitor,diode, transistor, copper wire, suction cup

Lucas Yasunaga, Electronic Entomology Car Show Edition

Nicholas Verstraeten, Group of Four, Pen, paper, plastic and metal

Korey Rosenbaum, Trunk Mat, Paper

Korey Rosenbaum, detail of Trunk Mat

Joe W. Spiere, Pooties on Display, Found objects, cellophane, pouring medium

Jenna Staffieri, Bodega Bag, Earthenware, spray-paint

Wiley Guillot, Untitled, Marker, pen, white out and paper on paper

Matt DeLong, Simulation Napkin, Vinyl

Amy Stober, Green Gear Bag, Cast plastic, acrylic, fabric, and chain

Amy Stober, Green Gear Bag

Will Schorre, Car Format, Electronics, plastic
Michelle Uckotter (Flower) and Will Schorre (Car Format)

Julia Yerger, Gazing Window Sticker, Vinyl

Michelle Uckotter, Flower, Mixed Media

Michelle Uckotter, detail of Flower

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